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June 24, 2021 3 min read

Spring, being the time of renewal, is the best season of the year to refresh your house exterior with some shiny new colors. If you’ve been craving for a fresh look for the exterior of your house but it’s been overdue — now is the time to get it!

While we still struggle from the pandemic-struck era today, refreshing colors shine an entirely new sense of joy and freshness. People want liveliness in their houses — and what could be the best way to achieve that goal other than making your house feel beautiful and joyful to live in?

Below, I’ve gathered some house-refreshing tips for you to redesign your house exterior with spring colors. Adopt these methods and make your house feel like a home again!

Get some new pillows and throws

couch with throw pillows

Tossing some extra pillows on your chairs, sofas, or benches can instantly change the look and feel of your outdoor living room, and ultimately, boost up everyone’s mood! Decorating your furniture with extra pillows is an affordable but effective way of putting an enchantment of attraction in your garden.

If you already have a lot of pillows lying around, you can refine and refresh them by covering them with new, colorful fabric. Remember, lively colors are the key to getting an ideal look for this season.

Some bright & colorful throws, where necessary, will put splendid emphasis on the level of detail and style of your furniture, and the garden as a whole.

Pick up some flowers

flower bundles

This is the time of the year when flowers are at their best. With almost an unlimited stock of colorful, bloomy flowers available at every grocery store, you can’t go wrong with picking some of them up for your home.

Flowers are a very affordable way of readying your home for the spring. Moreover, you have literally tons of options to choose from. Pick the ones you like, put them in your preferred pots, and spread them wherever there is enough space in your yard.

With flowers being a symbolic representation of this season, I’d highly recommend not missing out on this one. It would be even nicer if you plant your own flowers and fill the garden with their beauty. Imagine the fairytale tone it will add to the exterior look of your house.

And don’t stop here. You deserve the delicious scent of flowers inside as well. Even if your room is dark, you can use LED grow lights and have your plants bloom even indoors. 

Pop some exterior wallpapers for our outdoor walls

Repainting all the walls of your house is an expensive and tedious feat. Do you know what’s the cheaper and more reliable option? Wallpapers.

Popping some new, pastel wallpapers on your outdoor walls will essentially refresh how your house feels. There are tons of options available in different ranges and styles — you can choose a different theme for each one of your outdoor walls!

For example, you can get a cartoon-themed wallpaper for your kids’ room, while choosing a simple and mature look for your own room. Sounds neat, right?

Moreover, exterior wallpapers are easy and not that expensive to apply. They are mostly no-nonsense, no-mess, peel-and-stick solutions to give your walls a refreshing look.

Make your outdoor living room the center of attention

textured wall

The outdoor living room is where most of your daily activities happen — so you won’t get away with it without doing something special for it.

To make the most out of your outdoor living room design refresh, I recommend partnering with a home remodel contractor. These contractors will provide professional help with your living room’s design and take care of every step of the redesign process.

Redo your lighting

Lighting is arguably one of the most important aspects of a room’s look, including the balcony. If you’ve decorated the balcony to the fullest but don’t have enough illumination, the decorations won’t stand out. It’s not about having the highest-density lighting or the biggest bulbs — it’s about complementary lighting.

Instead of one big bulb at the center of the room, use smaller ones at every corner of the room to illuminate the dark corners. Install smaller layered lighting; for example, on the tables and floor lamps.


Spring is the best time of the year to treat your house exterior with a refreshing, bloomy look. Utilizing spring colors in different ways for your exterior home decor is the key to getting the desired look. Using the above-mentioned tips will help you make sure you’re not lacking behind the growing trend of redoing your exterior home decor for this season. When needed, don’t shy away from getting professional remodeling help.