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February 01, 2023 3 min read
Bachelorette parties can be costly to the maid of honor and bridesmaids footing the bill. While you want your bride to feel all the love and attention she deserves, that doesn’t have to come at your expense. Explore these creative ways to plan a fun bachelorette party your bride will remember for years that won’t break the bank.
If you want to take your bride out of town to celebrate her weddings, you’ll need to plan and communicate with the rest of the bridal party about budget options. Once everyone is on board, you can use budget-friendly travel tips to save tons of cash on your adventure.
You’ll get much better rates traveling during the off-season than the tourist season at your chosen locale. Research free activities in the area, stay at an Airbnb rather than a hotel and cook your meals there to save some cash. When booking flights, delete your cookies as you browse to ensure you get the best rates.
Consider staying local to save on travel costs — one night in a nearby city can be just as exciting as a weekend away with a much more affordable price tag. Plus, you can split the cost of gas with the other bridesmaids, saving tons on airline tickets. You can make it extra fun by blindfolding the bride and visiting her favorite spots! Most brides-to-be are keen on surprises, especially when they come from their best gals.
Who doesn’t love slumber parties? They can be as low-key or intense as you want them to be. You can throw a themed house party with your girls where everyone dresses up like the 80s, 90s or characters from their favorite rom-com. Or, you can buy matching pajamas and play old-fashioned board games like Dream Phone or Mall Madness.
You can also turn the slumber party into an evening full of self-care and pampering. You can watch all of the bride’s favorite films while giving each other mani-pedis, apply face masks and even create your own scent with a fragrance party. You can spice things up by hosting a Pure Romance that focuses on intimacy, wellness and sexuality — just make sure you warn everyone ahead of time so no one is caught off guard.
Craft the slumber party with the guest of honor in mind by surrounding her with things she loves. For example, if the bride loves all things spooky, hire someone to give psychic readings or read tarot cards at the slumber party. You can decorate an Airbnb, hotel room or living room in one of your homes to host the bride-to-be and make her feel special.
If your bride loves adventure, consider taking her on a camping trip. They’re much more affordable than hotels and provide opportunities to disconnect and bond with each other before her big day. If it’s warm, you can add a float trip to the mix for extra adventure on tubes, kayaks or canoes.
Being near water will ease your bride’s concerns and worries about her big day. Water provokes a serene feeling that helps you reset and find your center, which is often just what a bride-to-be needs. Campsites often offer hiking trails perfect for an adventurous group to tackle and provide bonding opportunities for the bride’s closest friends.
You can have s’mores and your favorite beverages as you swap stories around a campfire at night and go swimming or fishing during the day. If your bride isn’t outdoorsy, consider a glamping trip so she can connect with nature and reset before her big day. Camping adventures are perfect for unique photos and an unforgettable experience for bachelorettes, so load up your party and hit the road.
These bachelorette party ideas offer ways to make memories and pamper the bride in your life without a hefty price tag. Discuss options with other bridesmaids to split costs to save even more money. The goal is to make your bride feel special — there’s no way she won’t with your presence and these fun ideas!